What Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day

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Mother’s Day is a special day to honor the Mother’s in our lives, and if we are Mom’s ourselves, hopefully have a day that we can spend how we enjoy as well.

Mother and child walking on a sidewalkI asked my Facebook group what they really wanted for Mother’s Day, and you may be surprised at how simple some of their answers were. Sometimes we think money can buy the perfect gift… but what I found, is that many of the things they wanted would cost very little, or nothing at all.

  1. A clean house
  2. Time with grown kids who aren’t living at home
  3. Manicure, Pedicure, Facial
  4. Handmade cards or gifts
  5. Gym membership
  6. A nap
  7. Time alone (many Mom’s with little ones requested this)
  8. Sleep in
  9. Flowers to plant outside
  10. To have someone else make dinner, or dinner at a restaurant
  11. Time spent with husband and children

When you are thinking about what to get your Mom or Wife for Mother’s Day, think simple. Most of us don’t need anything extravagant and just want a day to relax with our loved ones, and some time alone, too!

Mother and children walking into waterIn all of the responses what I found is what almost every single one of them mentioned wanting time. Either time with their children, or time alone. As a Mom myself, I know how overwhelming it feels to constantly give of myself… and to be honest, on Mother’s Day I really enjoying having a day to whatever I’d like to do.

Some years that has included spending time with family, other years I’ve left for an afternoon and gotten a pedicure and perused the aisles of Target ALONE. Whatever this Mother’s Day brings though, I hope that you will take the time to make the Mother’s in your own lives feel important, special and appreciated… even if you can’t spend the day together.

Mother and children sitting on a benchWhen choosing a Mother’s Day gift this year, don’t think it has to be extravagant or amazing. Pick up the phone and call her, or show up on her doorstep… unless she’s requested time alone 😉  But seriously, save your money, give her your time and attention, and I promise, she won’t be disappointed.





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One Comment

  1. I agree- I just want time to take a nap, time with my family when I don’t actually have to be the disciplinarian, and NO cooking or cleaning if I don’t want to. It doesn’t have to be expensive to make us feel good!

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