
My Prayer for You Today

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Trusting God’s plan isn’t always easy. Doubt, fear and insecurities can fill my mind… but I have to remind myself that our God is an awesome God… and He’s got this.

Trusting God's plan isn't always easy. My prayer for you today is to know that our God is an awesome God... and He's got this.

I’ve been struggling with doubt lately.

Doubt about the path I THINK God has laid before me.

Doubt with what’s next.

Doubt with my ability to be enough.

Doubt with my belief that I can actually do what I think He’s calling me to do.

I have periods of confidence that I feel like I have it all figured out, and I’m totally in control. Then, it can quickly be followed by fear and doubt.

I think many of us can feel paralyzed by fear and doubt. I think it’s human nature to doubt our strength.

I think if we didn’t ever struggle with doubt, we’d never need Jesus… and we always need Jesus.

Trusting God's plan isn't always easy. My prayer for you today is to know that our God is an awesome God... and He's got this.

So, here is my prayer for you today, and for me, too.

I pray that you know you are enough.

I pray that you know you are a good mom, a good wife, a good friend, a good daughter.

I pray that you give yourself grace for the things that have happened this week that have made you doubt yourself and your worth.

I pray that you know that the creator of the universe loves you, cares for you and KNOWS you.

I pray that no matter what your past looks like, that you know you are loved, you are accepted, you are forgiven.

I pray that you can trust the path that has been laid before you… even if you don’t understand it, or it scares the heck out of you.

I pray that you can find rest.

Rest from your fears, rest from your worries, rest from your stress.

Leave behind the to-do list and the laundry and JUST REST. Rest without guilt and enjoy every single second of it.

I pray that whatever area of your life you desire change, that you believe in yourself enough to take the first step and make a change… no matter how hard that first step might be.

I pray that you seek God for counsel, in the big and small things… and trust that He holds all the answers, you do not.

I pray that the task set before you doesn’t overwhelm you, but it excites you, and you begin to believe in the story God has given you.  It is one of purpose and it will help others.

I pray that you leave fear behind.

That you step out in faith and know that even if you fail, and you may fail, that you know God will be there to pick you up, dust you off, and hold your hand as you try again.

Romans 5:3-5 says, “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

When I look back on my life someday I don’t want to look at all the missed opportunities that were never explored because of fear. I want to look back with pride that I persevered and pressed on even through my doubt and fear.

I want to know that I lived my life, this one and only life I’ve been given, with a spirit of hope and faith and that I trusted God’s calling for my life. It takes faith to go forth into unchartered territory and continue down the unknown path.

It takes hope to know that God is waiting for me to take hold of His promises and run with uninhibited endurance towards my very best life.

I hope you know that today and everyday, that you are enough.

The life that awaits you is bigger and more beautiful than you could ever dream.

Trust God. Love others. And please, love yourself.









A prayer for women. #prayers #prayerforwomen

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  1. Thank you for these prayers!
    God wanted me to read & be encouraged by these words. What a wonderful gift you have to be open, honest & share with others!
    God Bless You! ??

  2. In the short time I have been following you on Instagram, I have felt such a connection. I am also a Jesus follower and because of that, I’m careful about who I follow and what I read. You have so encouraged me in my W.W. journey! I feel so much more direction by the concrete way you work this program. I am beyond thrilled! I have felt extremely defeated the past year and felt like I was on it but not really in the game??? That is changing!! I’m at present changing recipes and working on my Christmas baking list so I won’t go into the holidays without a plan. I’m looking up sites that you have referred to that are helping me with recipe ideas. Now I’m really looking forward to your weekly meal ideas! Perfect timing! Thank you so much for your communication, your realness, your help, and your encouragement!!

    1. Phyllis, thank you SO much for this encouragement. I appreciate it so much and I’m so glad I’ve been able to help you! Wishing you the best of luck on your journey!!!

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