Diet Culture, Intuitive Eating and Embracing Your Body with Shanna Hutcheson, RD

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SHOW NOTES: Episode 19

Do you know what intuitive eating is? Shanna Hutcheson, an intuitive eating Registered Dietitian is here with us today to talk all about adopting a non-diet intuitive eating approach for long term health and happiness. Shanna is passionate about helping women and moms improve their health and overall well being through delicious food, joyful movement and self care. 

On today’s episode, Shanna shares her story of how she became interested in nutrition at a young age, how she came to the realization that she had an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, and how she shifted from being a Registered Dietitian to an intuitive eating Registered Dietitian.

We chat about what intuitive eating is, learning how to get out of the diet mentality, and the transition to honoring your body and caring for it through food, nutrition, and joyful movement and how intuitive eating teaches you self compassion. We also talk about how the goal of intuitive eating is freedom for your body, learning to trust your body, and being patient with yourself and understanding exercise is a form of nourishment for your body not a form of punishment.

Shifting out of diet culture into intuitive eating can feel like a really scary transition. Just remember, it’s a long journey and you are on your body’s team forever and ever. Partner up with your body and think about how you can love yourself and show up for yourself everyday because it is an incredible feeling to have that freedom in your life.

I’m so thankful for Shanna coming on the podcast today. I hope this episode helps you truly make peace with your body and you learn to love your body well. Thank you for listening! I would love to connect with you on Instagram (@loveyourbodywell) and hear what you thought about today’s episode! 


  • What intuitive eating is
  • Learning how to get out of a diet mentality 
  • Honoring your body and caring for it through food, nutrition and joyful movement
  • Intuitive eating teaches you self compassion
  • The foal of intuitive eating is freedom for your body
  • Learning to trust your body and being patient as you adjust to intuitive eating
  • Understanding exercise is a form of nourishment for your body not a form of punishment



Nourishment from the inside out. 

The Love Your Body Well Podcast is a safe place for you to learn about healing your relationship with your body while also focusing on wellness so you can feel your best. 

I’m your host, Amy Reinecke, and I’ve made it my mission to empower you to own your journey and embrace the path before you. Wellness is multi-faceted and there are so many areas that create the foundation for overall wellness. As women, too often the number on the scale or the size of our jeans takes precedence, and the truth is, it’s about a lot more than that.

On the Love Your Body Well Podcast you’ll be encouraged to be an advocate for your health, learn to listen and love the skin you’re in, embrace your journey and heal your body and mind with self love and compassion.This podcast is for you if you want to take back control of your health and embark on a self love journey to love, cherish and care for the one body you have. Here, you will learn how to love your body well.

Join my email list and connect with me on my blog at and Instagram @loveyourbodywell.

This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, the host or guest of this podcast will receive a commission at no additional cost to you.

This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide a diagnosis or replace medical care.

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